Window - Sliding Sash

Window - Sliding Sash



Our pocket sliding windows, with design rooted in traditional New England style, are a excellent way to safely add ventilation and light into your horses stall. The glass sash slides into the cavity of the barn wall, between exterior siding & stall planking inside and resting on horizontal framing, giving a clean look whether open or closed. The square design mimics barns of yesteryear; providing plenty of ventilation and room for horses to hang their heads out, but small enough to keep them out of trouble.

We also provide a line of accessories and up grades depending on your style and barn needs. Most commonly sold with this window unit is our interior window grill with horizontal bars (horizontal bars make sliding the window left or right a breeze) which protect the horse from getting to close to glass. We also offer tempered glass, interior yoke and swinging grills, exterior grills and much more.

As with all of our in house products; custom sizes, materials, design style and finishes available. Please contact our office for special request or if help is needed in the decision process.

Package Includes

  • Fits 33" x 33" R.O. (rough opening)

  • 1" x 4" Trim

  • 7 3/4" Jamb

  • Fir Sill

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